Trail Map Kiosk

This kiosk was built for my Eagle project in cooperation with the Town of Davidson. The design is a modified version of "Design #2" of the National Park Service Appalachian Trail Project Office Kiosk Plans. This project was built primarily by myself with occasional assistance for multiperson tasks.

Use the button below to access a pdf containing the used plans.

Construction Process

This project was primarily a conventional woodworking project with convential skill used, but I did learn a good bit along the way. One specific lesson was how to notch the big 6"x6" posts with which I had little expierence beforehand. The technique I learned and used was to run a circular saw through several times to "chip" it out, and then I cleaned up the joint with a chisel. I learned more such techniques and skills thoughout the process which made this a deeply informative process.

Assorted Images


This was a rewarding project both technically and emotionally. I learned a lot of new techniques and developed my skill as wordworker during this process. Also, as this was a project benefitting the community, the work I did had a deeper meaning than some personal project done just for fun and interest. One small tip to anyone who wants to install a kiosk in the Southern Piedmont region: Don't brush off the clay! Depending on where you dig deep surface clay can really ruin your day.